Our Aim
Alternatives development through health campaign that improves access and quality of health care for all especially the poor, and agricultural model and concept on food sovereignty and the rights of peasants and farmers.
What we do
We seek to build and strengthen a critical people and women movement for social and economic justice, to call for an end of all forms of discrimination and to have equal access to fundamental human rights.
Our Values
We believe that in order to influence policy, the grass-roots have to be aware and engaged in the process of change. We are committed to diversity, equality and partnership. We are dedicated to building strong united movements that can influence change and justice to Cambodian society.
We Are Very Thankful
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Our Political Belief
“SACD” is a non-political party organization and social group, working as resource unit in supporting to grassroots movement building and strengthening including women workers movement and farmers.

We share commitment to advocacy on policy and structural changes for gender equality and human rights in Cambodia.

We have culture of team building, sharing our skills, knowledge and time to advance our advocacy.

We respect the diversity of all team members of “SACD” such as age, experiences, educational background, and social and economic status. We all are equal in the struggle for grassroots people and women’s rights.

We are responsible citizens who contribute to the development and well-beings of our families, communities, and society.

We accept only funding which its policy supports our value and not discriminating and undermining the visibility and human rights of any group.
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Battambang’s farming community promotes ‘seeds of life’ tradition
For generations, everyone in Noem Chheang’s family has been a farmer in Battambang.For over 50 years, the farmers have been passing down their centuries of knowledge, experience, and skills on their ‘seeds of life’ on how to plant, harvest, select and store it so that it can be...
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កសិករជាង ១ ពាន់នាក់ ចូលរួមពិធីបុណ្យពូជដំណាំបុរាណខ្មែរបំណងឲ្យថែរក្សាពូជនេះវិញ
សៀមរាបៈ ក្រុមកសិករមកពីខេត្តចំនួន ២០ បានជួបជុំគ្នានៅទីរួមស្រុកបន្ទាយស្រីខេត្តសៀមរាប ដើម្បីចូលរួមពិធីបុណ្យពូជដំណាំបុរាណខ្មែរជាលើកដំបូង ដើម្បីជំរុញឱ្យមានកសិករ ឬក្រុមហ៊ុនផ្សេងៗគិតគូរក្នុងការដាំដុះដំណាំពូជខ្មែរឱ្យបានច្រើនឡើងវិញ។ កម្មវិធីបុណ្យនេះធ្...
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Cambodian farmers hit hard by Covid-19 pandemic, NGOs find
According to a report compiled by three NGOs, 92.2 percent of farmers participating in their survey have had lower incomes due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Although farmers have been able to grow rice and other crops and raise animals to earn their living in the same manner as before, proble...
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អង្គការ សមាគមក្រៅរដ្ឋាភិបាលបើកវេទិកាពិភាក្សាការលុបបំបាត់អំពើហិង្សា និងការបៀតបៀនលើស្ត្រី និងក្មេងស្រីនៅកម្ពុជា
ភ្នំពេញៈ អង្គការ សមាគមក្រៅរដ្ឋាភិបាលចំនួន ៥ រៀបចំវេទិកាស្ដ្រីក្រោមប្រធានបទ «លុបបំបាត់អំពើហិង្សា និងការបៀតបៀនលើស្ត្រី និងក្មេងស្រីនៅកម្ពុជា» ធ្វើឡើងនៅភោជនីយដ្ឋានទន្លេបាសាក់ ២ នៅថ្ងៃទី ២៦ ខែមីនានេះ ដើម្បីទាមទារឱ្យលុបបំបាត់រាល់ទម្រង់ នៃអំពើហិង្សា និងការបៀ...
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Hundreds Join “Grassroots People’s Assembly” Ahead of Asean Summit
Some 900 activists, informal workers and others gathered in Phnom Penh on Thursday in a public forum that organizers said was intended to send a message to Cambodian and Asean leaders ahead of a regional summit in the capital next week.
Billed as an “Asean Grassroots People’s...
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‘People's Assembly’ wide-ranging petition accepted: City Hall
The Phnom Penh Municipal Administration has received a petition from representatives of various associations, NGOs, civil society organisations (CSOs) and private citizens after they gathered to exchange views at a recently concluded “people’s congress”.
The gathering to...
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