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“Working Harder For Less”
Impact of the MFA Phase-out on Garment Workers in Cambodia.
For more information see Garment worker press 01-05-06
English - 11Kb][
Khmer- 62Kb]
March 5th 2006: on the 96th
anniversary of the international Women’s Day, with close
collaborationwith the Cambodian garment workers and the Women
Network for Unity, WAC organises a gathering of women garment
workers, sex workers who are members of the national sex workers
union, the WNU, national and international guests. The women
workers will take to the stage the role-play that presents the
situation of workers after the Multi Fiber Arrangement phased
out over one year period.
For more information see Media Release (11KB pdf) 
Interviews provide insight into
rural life in Cambodia - Problems of growing indebtedness and
increasing difficulties of rice production are highlighted in
a new study of conditions of rural life in Cambodia.
For release: 27 October 2004 see Press Release 01 (68KB pdf)

Following drought, debt a growing
problem in Svay Rieng - Debt is a growing problem for villagers
in rural Svay Rieng province, according to interviews conducted
by a Phnom Penh-based non-government organisation, which were
publicly released today. In many cases, indebtedness is a direct
or indirect consequence of drought.
For more information see Press Release 02 (101KB pdf) 
The People’s Caravan spreads
message to end violence and discrimination
“We are here today to
raise our voices against violence and discrimination, including
discrimina-tion from big pharmaceutical companies that have
a bigger say in the WTO rules, deals and regu-lations than the
people of the world"
For more information see Peoples' Caravan release.(28KB pdf)

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